Chart Industries CEO Expects LNG Plants to Go Up Faster as Projects Utilize New Designs
As the world scrambles for more LNG, Chart Industries Inc. CEO Jillian Evanko sees the way that projects are built is changing rapidly in a way that’s allowing developers to deliver the super-chilled fuel faster.
(…) We expect double-digit growth in specialty markets in the coming years. Hydrogen comes to mind. Outside of LNG, it is the largest over the next 10 years in terms of dollars and growth.
We’ve had hydrogen equipment for 57-plus years, and no one cared about it until 2020, when the world really started to focus on more sustainable energy. We have seen a consistent increase in demand for hydrogen-related equipment across the world.
We have a process that takes gaseous hydrogen and turns it into liquid hydrogen. The same concept of liquefying natural gas for export translates to a hydrogen liquefier. The equipment used for both is not the same, but it’s a similar concept. It’s still cryogenics.
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